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Aim high and stand out in your university application

The University of Surrey invites you to take part on a sustained programme providing advice, information and mentoring in support of your UCAS application.

AIM4University offers advice and mentoring from current University of Surrey students who are selected by you and tailored to your individual queries. This programme can be accessed in four ways including online mentoring, live webinars and events, access to pre-recorded content, and exclusive campus visits. AIM4University is free of charge subject to selection criteria.

Launching online from Monday 25 September with campus visits scheduled to take place Wednesday 25 October and Saturday 28 October. Attendance is optional and only one date is required.

All webinars will take place on Wednesday at 17:oo with all sessions being recorded. There is no obligation to attend live but webinar links are only shared with programme participants.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • You live in an IMD Decile 1 or 2 Postcode
  • You live in a POLAR4 Quintile 1 Postcode
  • You have received Free School Meals within the last 6 years
  • You receive a 16-19 bursary
  • You have a disability or long term health condition
  • You are a young carer
  • You have experience of living within care
  • You are a forced migrant (e.g. a refugee or an asylum seeing young person)
  • You are from a Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Showperson or Boater community

To take part on AIM4University, please apply through our Surrey Scholars online form. We will respond to you within 14 days of applying for the programme.

For any questions or queries, please contact us at