Surrey STARS
Surrey STARS is the sustained tracking of attainment-raising in schools, working collaboratively with secondary partners from across the local area towards achieving higher GCSE grades amongst eligible learners.

Surrey STARS is a strategic programme that has been developed collaboratively with partner schools, to provide a progressive programme of attainment raising activity. Our collection of whole year group workshops coupled with targeted, sustained programmes offer learners opportunities to learn more about pathways, University of Surrey research and support with achieving predicted grades at GCSE. Surrey STARS is particularly committed to working with the following learners:
- Students who are eligible for Free School Meals
- Students who are care experienced
- Students from a Gypsy, Roma, Traveller community
- Students with special educational need or disability
How does it work?
Our programme is exclusive to partner schools with both in-school and on-campus experiences available for students across Years 7 to 11. We then work with partner school schools to track higher education progression rates and GCSE attainment through a data sharing agreement.
We are proud to currently be working in partnership with the following Surrey STARS schools:

How can my school join Surrey STARS?
We will next be inviting schools to participate on the programme in preparation for the academic year 2025/26. Participating schools must meet our eligibility criteria:
- Be a state school within Surrey
- Have a higher than national average FSM eligibility and/or FSM GCSE attainment gap
- Are willing to sign a data sharing agreement with the University of Surrey to support with targeting and reporting impact
If you would like to express interest in joining Surrey STARS and meet the eligibility criteria, please contact our team directly at