Family Futures

Hello, and welcome to Family Futures! We’re really excited that you’ll be joining the University of Surrey for this 3-month programme, which will help you think about the future and what it might hold in store.
We hope that Family Futures will be a fun and engaging experience for both students and supporters, and that you learn lots about yourselves (and each other!) along the way.
This is your Online Portal, where you’ll find lots of exciting resources to supplement the activities you’ll be completing in your Activity Workbook and where you’ll find details on all our Live Sessions and Campus Events. Before we get started though, let’s take a quick look at how this all works…

There are 4 key elements to the Family Futures programme:
- Activity Workbook
- Online Portal
- Live Sessions
- Campus Events
The Activity Workbook will be your guide throughout the programme, containing all the main activities for you to complete at home.
The Online Portal (that’s where you are now!) is where you can find all the programme’s virtual content, including videos, resources and further activities. It’s also where you’ll find the links to all our Live Sessions, which take place on Microsoft Teams across the programme, and details of our three exciting Campus Events!
The programme has 5 parts. Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 last two weeks each. Part 5 lasts one week, concluding with our on-campus celebration. You’re free to complete the activities for each part in your own time!
Part 1 | Exploring Pathways and Options
Part 2 | Thinking About the Future
Part 3 | Trying Something New
Part 4 | Being Your Own Ambassador
Part 5 | Reflecting Together
You can find all the important dates here and in your welcome email. There are 3 key things to remember for each part!

On the first day of the part (always a Monday), the content for that part will go live on the Portal. Log in and take a look at what’s available – you’ll find there’s lots to explore!

Join us for a Live Activity Session at 18:15–18:45 (always a Tuesday). The links to join these will be emailed to you, and can also be found on the Timetable page on the Portal.

Then, join us and our colleagues for a Live Information Session at 18:15–18:45 (always a Wednesday). We’ll share information and tips on a wide range of topics!

For a walkthrough on how to use the Portal, head to the Portal Guide page and take a look at the step-by-step guide.
You can access the Portal at any time, either together as a family or separately. If you have any issues logging in to the Portal or when accessing any of the materials, contact and we’ll help you out!
The content for each part of the programme won’t go live until the part starts – but, everything will stay on the Portal after the part finishes for you to access later if you wish.
All of the content will be divided into modules, matching each of the 5 parts of the programme.
The INTRODUCTION module contains the Portal Guide and Timetable pages, for easy access whenever you need them.
At the bottom of this page, you’ll see the modules for each part as they go live – there’ll be lots of new activities and resources to explore. If there are any links included in the Activity Workbook for that part, we’ll also post them here for you to click through to if you’d prefer to access them that way.
We hope you enjoy taking part in the Family Futures programme!